Kroshka Do
natural fruit and berry slices
no sugar

Fruit and berry slices

Ingredients: strawberry puree, apple puree concentrate, cherry puree, apple juice concentrate, pectin, citrus fiber, natural flavor.
Sachet packaging, 15 g
Ingredients: raspberry puree, apple puree concentrate, cherry puree, apple juice concentrate, pectin, citrus fiber, natural flavor.
Sachet packaging, 15 g
Ingredients: blackcurrant puree, apple puree concentrate, apple juice concentrate, pectin, citrus fiber, natural flavor.
Sachet packaging, 15 g
Kroshka Do, Apple-Strawberry
Ingredients: strawberry puree, apple puree concentrate, cherry puree, apple juice concentrate, pectin, citrus fiber, natural flavor.
Sachet packaging, 15 g
Kroshka Do, Apple-Raspberry
Ingredients: raspberry puree, apple puree concentrate, cherry puree, apple juice concentrate, pectin, citrus fiber, natural flavor
Sachet packaging, 15 g
Kroshka Do, Apple-Blackcurrant
Ingredients: blackcurrant puree, apple puree concentrate, apple juice concentrate, pectin, citrus fiber, natural flavor.
Sachet packaging, 15 g
About Kroshka Do
100% natural products
Russian company NaDO produces natural fruit, berry and vegetable product. We believe that natural food contributes to the nation development and the nature power can give children health and pleasure.
High technology
We have many years of experience in fruit, berry and vegetable production that’s why we develop and implement new technologies. Our company works with reliable suppliers and is responsible for every steps: from processing of raw materials to high-quality products.
No sugar
We preserve the natural fruit properties in every product - natural taste and nutrients. The products are prepared without sugar: we prepare mixed fruit puree and juice into a homogeneous substance and remove excess moisture carefully.
User-friendly pack
We admire the aesthetics of nature and convey this in graceful product forms. Fruits-to-go are healthy and tasty snacks every time. The heart shape evokes pleasant and light emotions.
Kroshka Do likes to delight kids with bright and natural taste.
That’s why Kroshka Do prepared for our little customers the fun coloring pages about healthy fruits and vegetables. Healthy and tasty snack!
All rights reserved 2024
+7 (999) 999-99-99
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